
The gastronomy of the region is based on land products, as the quality of raw material is guaranteed. This can be appreciated in the region’s confectionery.
There is a wide variety of products depending on the season, but nuts, and especially almonds, are the core ingredient of many of them. Examples include ‘ametlats’, almonds cake, ‘carquinyols’ or ‘secalls’, ‘panellets’ and ‘guirlatxa’ and turrons, which are so typical at Christmas.
‘Casquetas’ or soul cakes, stuffed with pumpkin jam, are highly characteristic of the region.
Other noteworthy products include ‘los crespells’ or borage leaves with honey and ‘coc amb mel’ made of olive oil, eggs, almonds, flour and honey. ‘Pan durmiendo’ (sleeping bread) is traditionally baked at Easter, as are ‘les rosques’ or ‘mones de Pasqua’.