‘Peña Galera’ climb
Level difficult: difficult
Length: 8,2 km
Duration: 2 and a half hour (round trip)
This excursion starts on the track from Beceite to the Ulldemó River (marked ‘la Pesquera’). The path starts near the track, 2 km away from the village. After crossing an irrigation canal, descend to the riverbed and cross it near the pool called ‘Toll de Pablet’. Walk through a pine forest, after which the track quickly gains altitude.
The track passes by ‘Solana de l’Estes’ and the ravine of ‘Sant Antoni’ after a stretch of vegetation. Follow the marks and as the path starts to rise. You will see the ‘Corrales de Pelaio’ livestock cottages among rocky alcoves, on your left, next to old crop fields.
The higher you are, the more impressive the views. At the beginning of the third stretch, follow a rocky canal. The rocky mass in front of you may not seem to have an exit, but the PR marks show the way. You’ll reach a mountain pass that seems to be the highest point, but you still need to continue for another 1 km. Peña Galera is 1,034 metres above sea level and is identified with a geodesic mark. Enjoy the beautiful panoramic views of the valleys of the Ulldemó and Algars rivers and ‘Puertos de Beceite’.