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La Pesquera

La Pesquera’ is the set of pools or ‘tolls’ in the Ulldemó River, a tributary of Matarraña River. It is a beautiful place, where you can swim in the many pools formed by water erosion on the rocks. The water is of a temperature similar to that of the Mediterranean Sea, which makes for very pleasant bathing indeed. To get here, just follow the signs from Beceite. This path is paved for 3 kilometres as far as the first pool, ‘Toll de l’Olla’.

Entrance is regulated in the summer by Beceite Town Council.

There are 16 official car parks (control points) next to the pools. All of them are numbered and have a maximum capacity. There is no room for more vehicles than the spaces available, and you are advised to park facing towards Beceite. Information boards at ‘Racó de Sant Antoni’ explain how the river flows and about erosion in the mountain range.


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